Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Climate Change: It has been around
longer than humans

The chart below shows how average earth temperatures have changed over the last 2 billion years. It can be seen at a glance that the world has been recovering from an ‘Ice House’ period since just before humans inhabited the planet.

There are smaller cycles too (not shown in the chart) and a significant one was the Little Ice Age from 1400-1850 AD when average temperatures started rising again.

The chart also shows how several Ice Ages occurred with an average earth temperature of 10 degrees C. It is important to realize that in an ice age, ice does not usually cover the entire earth’s surface, but is more an encroachment of the polar caps into temperate zones.

On the high side average temperatures have reached 25-27 degrees C and since we are dealing with averages, maximums will have have been far higher than anything recorded by modern day meteorologists.

As world average temperatures continue to rise (naturally) the arid areas like central Australia and the Sahara will not become drier, as is predicted by alarmists, but will have a warmer moister climate. Other areas at present too cold for agriculture will be brought into production. In short, as the climate warms, the world will be capable of producing more food, not less as predicted by the alarmists.

The climate during the Miocene Age was similar to today's climate, but warmer. Well-defined climatic belts stretched from Pole to Equator, however, there were palm trees and alligators in England and Northern Europe. Australia was less arid than it is now.

Global climate during the Late Eocene Age was warmer than today. Ice had just begun to form at the South Pole. India was covered by tropical rainforests, and Warm Temperate forests covered much of Australia.

The chart above shows more than 2 billion years of completely natural climate change. 

Climate change alarmists will have 
you worried into an early grave
for no good reason


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