Monday, May 27, 2019


Overpopulation – The Deadly Myth behind the Other Modern Myths

By Kay Kiser, author of Saving Africa From Lies That Kill: How Myths about the Environment and Overpopulation are Destroying Third World Countries, Book 2 of the Modern Mythology Series
Originally Posted May 20, 2019 on blog
Who says the world is overpopulated? And what does that mean anyway? Hunger?  Crowding? Environmental harm?  For over 200 years we’ve been told that the world is overpopulated. But is it? Check this out.
In 1798, Thomas Malthus thought the world was overpopulated when world population was under one billion. In his book, An Essay on the Principles of Population, he advocated not supporting the poor and controlling the population. He was wrong.

When world population was about 1.3 billion, Charles Darwin, who’s Theory of Evolution was based on Malthus’ book, thought the struggle for survival would cause the extinction of underdeveloped cultures by developed peoples. He was wrong.
Francis Galton, creator of Eugenics, the so-called science of improving the human race, thought the African races were so inferior genetically that Chinese should be settled in Africa to drive the Negro races to extinction and replace them[1]He was wrong.
Around 1920 when the population was about 1.9 billion, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and a prominent eugenicist, believed we needed to get rid of “human weeds,” including dark skinned people from Southern Europe, Africa and India as well as the mentally or physically impaired. She advocated for sterilization, birth control, and abortion. She was wrong.
In the 1930s when world population was about 2 billion, Adolf Hitler believed the world was overpopulated and sought to gain “Lebensraum” (living room) by invading other countries and exterminating “inferior” people, including Jews and Gypsies. By doing so he sought to create a super race of Arian Germans.  He was wrong.
In 1966 when the world population was 3.3 billion, to control population, under President Johnson, US AID began requiring population control quotas as a condition for receiving foreign aid. Mass sterilization camps were set up in poor countries using equipment supplied by the UN and US. He was wrong.
Meanwhile, in the 1960s the Green Revolution of higher yield, more disease resistant and more nutritious varieties, increased crop yields by orders of magnitude, making it possible to feed the world without sacrificing forests and other pristine wilderness areas.
When The Population Bomb was published in 1968 by Paul Ehrlich, world population was about 3.7 billion. He believed the world was overpopulated and required drastic action to reduce the population in order to prevent mass starvation and collapse of the society. He was wrong.

Failed Climate Predictions
In 1972, after nearly 30 years of controlling disease carrying insects, DDT was banned by the EPA in spite of overwhelming evidence refuting claims of harm[2]; the ban was based more on political fears of growing populations in developing countries than on real science or perceived harm. Before the ban DDT eliminated Malaria in the developed world. Developing countries were threatened with loss of foreign aid if they did not discontinue DDT use. Most did, but India did not comply.
Today the world population is about 7.5 billion. USAID, UNFPA, (UN Fund for Population Activities), UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), WHO, World Bank, International Planned Parenthood, Population Council, Marie Stopes and other groups continue the Overpopulation Myth with abortion, sterilization, IUD implantation and birth control activities in poor countries around the world.  They are still wrong.
So, is the world overpopulated? Not by any measure. Let’s look at what we mean by overpopulated.
Do we have enough food for everyone? Yes. Thanks to modern agricultural techniques and high yield crops there is more than enough for at least 11 billion people without any increase in acres cultivated.  Advancing technology will probably multiply the yield still further as it has in the past.  Myths against modern pesticides, herbicides, modern agricultural techniques and biotech crop enhancements (aka GMO) are used to keep poor countries on subsistence agriculture, which results in deforestation to replace depleted fields.
Is the food distributed fairly? No. Other than disasters and wars, hunger has more to do with local politics than with food supplies.  Corrupt governments, propped up by government to government foreign aid, which the poor rarely see, are incentivized to help with international population control schemes, but not to build infrastructure, attract investment and help to raise the standard of living of their own rural poor. As long as the people are kept poor, the aid money keeps coming, so corrupt governments have little or no incentive to improve conditions for their people. Foreign aid should be replaced by foreign and domestic investment in infrastructure with accountability.
Is there enough room for all the people? Compared to the land area of the earth, the population is very small. For perspective, if all the people in the world were placed in an area the size of Texas, each person would have almost 93 square meters.  A family of four would have 372 square meters. That’s about 4000 square feet, enough for a 2000 square foot house and a yard or garden.  This thought experiment puts population in perspective with the size of the earth. No one is suggesting we actually do this, except for the loony left who are grasping at straws to defeat this argument against the overpopulation myth.
Global average population is 55 people per square kilometer of land area, excluding Antarctica. That’s 17.96 acres per family of four. In 2016, over 54% of the population lived in cities, which cover only 2.7% of the land.  That means that 46% of the population is rural and lives on 97.3% of the land area. That calculates to 26 people /km2 in rural areas or 38 acres per family of four.  Yes, I know that large areas are uninhabitable. Even if we assumed 50% uninhabitable, that’s still a lot of land per person.  The fact that only 10% of the land is actually inhabited doesn’t change the picture.  There is still a lot of land out there to accommodate and feed a larger population. All this doesn’t even count the 71% of the earth’s surface that is water, which is a food source and a highway between markets.
Is Overpopulation causing Climate Change? No. As a part of the biosphere, even with technology the human race is a small contributor to the total carbon and carbon dioxide gas, and is exceeded by orders of magnitude by land and sea vertebrate animals, and even more extremely by insects and other invertebrates, both in numbers and total mass. One estimate claims there are 300 pounds of insects for every human pound, or 1.4 billion insects per person. With almost 2 million different species described so far and possibly many more un-described, estimates vary widely, even for human populations, especially in poor countries. Corrupt governments may over estimate numbers and under report economic conditions to receive more foreign aid dollars.
Is the environment being harmed by too many people? No. Poverty, including subsistence farming, not population, causes environmental harm and deforestation.  Modern agriculture and higher yield crop varieties can end deforestation and provide surplus crops to sell.  Roads, electricity, clean water and disease control can provide a healthy workforce and energy to attract investors and run industry. Historically, improved infrastructure and opportunity also stabilize populations and reduce family size. By keeping the poor in poverty, environmentalists actually are doing more harm to the environment. Raising standards of living means people will be able to care for their environment.
Many developed countries have bought into the overpopulation myth to the point that their birth rates are below replacement value. Japan, which reached one of the lowest global birth rates of 1.4 in 2014, has started paying people to have children because of the looming demographic catastrophe of too few people to work and support the elderly who cannot work. Some of the highest density areas of the world are the richest.  Look at Shanghai. It is not only the most populated city in the world, 24 million, with an average population density of 2050/km2 (3854/km2 urban) but is one of the most prosperous.
Rural poor areas in developing countries are underpopulated. With diseases from insects and contaminated water taking a high toll and attrition from migration into cities by the young and healthy, there are not enough healthy people to build infrastructure and markets and raise the standard of living of the rural poor.  They already have population control by disease and poverty.  They certainly don’t need birth control, sterilization and abortion.
Is the planet overpopulated? No.  By all measures of overpopulation, the earth is far from capacity to support its people.  Since overpopulation advocates have been scaring us for 200 years, why should be believe what they keep saying?  Quit worrying about an assumed problem that has yet to materialize.  The real problem is with the population control advocates, the abortionists, the sterilizers and the international governmental and nongovernmental organizations that keep paying these organizations for killing off the hope of the future while keeping people in extreme poverty: poor, sick, isolated, ignorant and controlled. Free market solutions are the answer, not money given to prop up corrupt government officials, which the poor rarely see.
The rural poor in developing countries need disease control, electricity and roads to end isolation. They need Employment, Education, Investment, Infrastructure and Disease Control to join the 21st century.  It is possible and you can help.
How can you help? Get involved through charities, investments and campaigning against policies that hurt and oppress the poor.  Be an advocate for economic development and against population control.
Posted 5/20/2019 by Kay Kiser on blog
It's true. Overpopulation has always been a whipping boy for the spreaders of myths and doom and gloom. It's just nonsense.
This excellent blog post from Kay Kiser rightly raises the other topic that is forever on the lips of the ill-informed and the doom gossipers. "Something has happened to the climate and human activity must be responsible for it."
Nothing has happened to the climate. Climate is just climate. Climate is just weather averaged to a time and/or place. Climate changes from place to place and from season to season, from year to year, decade to decade, century to century and millennium  to millennium. The climate has been changing since Earth developed its atmosphere more than 4 billion years ago.
But climate alarmists will say things like, "But it has never been this hot before." It has been this hot before, and much much hotter too.
"But the temperature has never changed so rapidly before." It has. The temperature changes rapidly from day to night, summer to winter, air mass to air mass. It is always changing rapidly.
"But average temperatures have never before changed so rapidly." They have and more so. Like during the extinction of the dinosaurs 60 million years ago and other mass extinctions. Those extinctions were due to rapidly declining temperatures. 
And talking about rapidly declining temperatures, we have much more to fear from lower temperatures than higher temperatures. Have you ever thought about how you would grow fruit and vegetables in an ice age?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


The lunatics want to run the asylum

For a generation radical Islamists attacked western targets and other less radical Islamists. Then the west responded with the most powerful and deadly military forces the world has ever seen.

Meanwhile, the propaganda machines ran at full tilt, pumping out emotive hate material, fake news and outright lies like never before.  If this abominable situation leads to war, it could become known in history as The War of the Internet, but it won’t be a war of words. It will be fought with real bullets, bombs and missiles, with millions killed.
A Christchurch Mosque that
 was attacked on 15 March 2019

A third world war, directed by lunatics, is a hair-trigger away. It’s time for decent people to speak up. It’s time for strong, experienced and diplomatic leadership. In America, the time for the reality show showman is over. Whether Republican or Democrat it matters not, America needs a steady, capable hand at the helm.

The next President of the United States has a tough job waiting for him or her. There are fences to be mended, bridges to be built, walls to be torn down, and there is America to be re-established as a great nation. That can only be done by men and women of integrity and political experience. The White house is no place for amateurs. But most of all, the next POTUS must be able to reign in the growing rampage of Nazi-style white supremacists, and that has to start by biting the bullet of the free-for-all gun laws. The next POTUS must also reign in the internet. The right to free speech must always take second place to the right to life, of those already born and living lawfully and peacefully.

The seriousness of the escalating mood of extremism and violence is set out very clearly by Jeff Pegues of CBS News:

U.S. sees steady rise in violence by white supremacists
By JEFF PEGUES CBS NEWS March 15, 2019, 6:35 PM

 — A deadly shooting on two houses of worship in New Zealand left at least 49 people dead. The alleged gunman targeted Muslims.
The U.S. has seen a rise in violence by white supremacists, including the murders of 11 people at a Pittsburgh Synagogue last fall. There was also a deadly clash at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, the murders of nine people at a church in Charleston in 2015 and the deaths of six at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012.
In New York on Friday, heavily armed police officers stood watch outside a mosque. Security was stepped up across the country even though U.S. law enforcement officials are not aware of any imminent threat.
What investigators have seen is a steady rise in right-wing extremism.
"We're seeing an increase in the propaganda. Again, when we look at their propaganda, they are borrowing propaganda techniques from other terrorist groups," said John Miller, New York's deputy head of counter-terrorism.
ISIS inspired its followers online and now white supremacists are doing the same. Far-right attacks in Europe jumped 43 percent between 2016 and 2017. In the U.S., right-wing extremists were linked to at least 50 murders last year, a 35 percent increase over 2017.

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"I would say the majority of it is propagated online. In fact this morning after the attacks, I was seeing celebrations of the attacks online on the anti-Muslim hate sites. It's really disgusting," said Ibrahim Hooper, with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Just last month, Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hassan was arrested after prosecutors said he was stockpiling weapons for an attack to fuel a race war.
In October, Robert Bowers killed 11 in a Pittsburgh synagogue. He had posted anti-Semitic messages online leading up to the attack.
The alleged shooter in New Zealand mentioned Bowers in his 74-page manifesto as well as Charleston church killer Dylann Roof. He livestreamed his attack in an effort to keep the cycle of violence going.
"All of these guys watch. They watch the reaction; they watch the tactics of those that went before them. And we ought to acknowledge that there is a rise in sort of nationalism around the world," said Fran Townsend, a former White House Homeland Security advisor.
At the White House, President Trump said he did not see white nationalism as a rising global threat. "I think it's a small group of people that have very, very, serious problems," he said.
Currently, the FBI has about 900 active domestic terrorism cases and that includes cases tied to white supremacists.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


A share of Gaddafi’s millions available with a bride thrown in
Last night an email arrived from a new Facebook friend, Fatima Abdel, who is a refugee from Libya living in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal. She made the most amazing offer to me and, although she asked that it should remain a secret between the two of us, I just had to share it with the whole world.
Here is her email exactly as it was received:

Assalamulaikum My Dearest,
Please with due respect and in the name of  Allah .
Firstly I thank you so much; inline with the message, which I have sent to you, I am more than happy in your reply to my mail. How is every thing over there in your country, i believe that you are in good health, and the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today?  My name is ( Fatima Abdel ) From Libya in North Africa, i am ( 24years old ) but age doesn't matter in a real relationship, I am  5.2ft tall, fair in complexion single,(never married )  presently i am residing here in Dakar as a result of the war that happened in my country which i was escaped to this country Senegal were i am under refugee camp. My late father MAJOR GENERAL, (ABDEL FATTAH YOUNES).
Fatima Abdel
He also held  the post of Minister of Interior, but resigned on 22nd February 2011 to defect the rebel in Libyan civil war. My father was killed by members of an anti-Gaddafi military on 28th July 2011. When rebels anti-Gaddafi military troupe attacked our house one early morning killing my parents. Equally my mother was six months pregnant and she was a senior lecturer at the university before her death, it's only me that is alive now because I am the only child to my parents, and I managed to make my way with the help of UN to Senegal, where I am leaving now as a refugee,  under the care of a Rev. Fr. Peter Vim  . who is the priest of the ( Saint-Louis Roman Catholic Church (Senegal) here in the camp, he has been very nice to me since I came here but i am not living with him rather i live in the female's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women. 

 Please do not be offended for this message that comes from me , its just that i don't know what else to do, because  my situation here as the refugee is giving me a great concern, therefore, i will like you to consider my situation as an orphan, and be kind with me, as i am putting the whole of my trust on you with out fear, though i don't know who you are before, but i believe that with God all things are possible and you can not betray me at the end, I have communicated to you because of  my difficult situation here in this refugee camp, Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon,

I don't have any relatives now whom i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is. the Rev Fr. Peter Vim, who is our guardian here in this refugee camp, he has been very nice to every body in the camp, The Rev father Tel number is  (+221 784727863 ) if you call, please tell him that you wants to speak with me Miss.Fatima Abdel from Libya he will send for me in the hostel to come and talk with you. Here in this camp I am sending you email through the church office computer at the Rev Farther office. Because As a refugee here we don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money, phone, computer, or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead  me to be in this bad situation now  Please listen to this --( because it's a secret, even no one knows about it except you and i knows about this ) 

I have my late father's death certificate here with me, which i will send to you later, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading banks in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin, the total amount, is $4.9M (Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars). So I will like you to help me to transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet you in your country. I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is you and me.

For your own information, i want you to view this news information about killing of my late Father, story through BBC WORLD NEWS  (  Gen Abdel Fattah Younes was an ally of Col Gaddafi for many years  Libyan rebel military chief Abdel Fattah Younes is killed after being called for questioning over alleged Gaddafi links, rebel leaders announce )  So i will like you to keep it to  yourself as secret and don't tell it to anyone because i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you. I like honest and understanding people,truthful and people that have vision, hardworking and GOD fearing person. My favorite language is Arabic but am not permitted to speak in the camp because the will punch me, because the camp is christian  camp so my dearest i will like you to help so i can leave this camp;  i want to return to my religion Islam, because here i am taken care by  catholic church refugee,  can i trust you as a genuine friend ?
Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said, i have a lot to tell you,

Have a nice day and think about my condition here
Attached here is my pictures for you,
Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Thanks and remain blessed.
with lot of love Yours



Well, thank you Miss Fatima, but no thanks. You are just a new name for an old scam that has been doing the rounds for years, first as a chain letter and later as an email and/or Facebook message.

Whoever your masters are, you should tell them to get real jobs and stop scamming innocent people of their hard-earned savings. Furthermore, this would-be victim will do everything possible to expose you and your masters. You are a callous parasite who deserves to be punished with the full force of the law.

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