Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Should You Trust Online Reviews?
Yes and no.
By Ray Fisman|Posted Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012,

Are they genuine hotel guests, staff, or actors?  Photo by Creatas/Thinkstock.
The Internet has fundamentally changed the way that buyers and sellers meet and interact in the marketplace. Online retailers make it cheap and easy to browse, comparison shop, and make purchases with the click of a mouse. The Web can also, in theory, make for better-informed purchases—both online and off—thanks to sites that offer crowd sourced reviews of everything from dog walkers to dentists.
In a Web-enabled world, it should be harder for careless or unscrupulous businesses to exploit consumers. Yet recent studies suggest that online reviewing is hardly a perfect consumer defense system. Researchers at Yale, Dartmouth, and USC have found evidence that hotel owners post fake reviews to boost their ratings on the site—and might even be posting negative reviews of nearby competitors.
The preponderance of online reviews speaks to their basic weakness: Because it’s essentially free to post a review, it’s all too easy to dash off thoughtless praise or criticism, or, worse, to construct deliberately misleading reviews without facing any consequences. It’s what economists (and others) refer to as the cheap-talk problem. The obvious solution is to make it more costly to post a review, but that eliminates one of the main virtues of crowdsourcing: There is much more wisdom in a crowd of millions than in select opinions of a few dozen.
Of course, that wisdom depends on reviewers giving honest feedback. A few well-publicized incidents suggest that’s not always the case. For example, when Amazon’s Canadian site accidentally revealed the identitiesof anonymous book reviewers in 2004, it became apparent that many reviews came from publishers and from the authors themselves.
Technological idealists, perhaps not surprisingly, see a solution to this problem in cutting-edge computer science. One widely reported study last year showed that a text-analysis algorithm proved remarkably adept at detecting made-up reviews. The researchers instructed freelance writers to put themselves in the role of a hotel marketer who has been tasked by his boss with writing a fake customer review that is flattering to the hotel. They also compiled a set of comparison TripAdvisor reviews that the study’s authors felt were likely to be genuine. Human judges could not distinguish between the real ones and the fakes. But the algorithm correctly identified the reviews as real or phony with 90 percent accuracy by picking up on subtle differences, like whether the review described specific aspects of the hotel room layout (the real ones do) or mentioned matters that were unrelated to the hotel itself, like whether the reviewer was there on vacation or business (a marker of fakes). Great, but in the cat-and-mouse game of fraud vs. fraud detection, phony reviewers can now design feedback that won’t set off any alarm bells.
Just how prevalent are fake reviews? A trio of business school professors, Yale’s Judith ChevalierYaniv Dover of Dartmouth, and USC’s Dina Mayzlin, have taken a clever approach to inferring an answer by comparing the reviews on two travel sites, TripAdvisor and Expedia . . . .
Full article on

Peter’s Comment

Fake reviews of products and services may be much more common than many people think.

Think about it this way: You shop at the same supermarket regularly and sometimes you tell the staff or your friends that you like the service or the prices. But how often would you go to the supermarket website and post a favorable comment? Probably never.

However, on some websites reviews, always favorable, take up most of the space and are the main focus – apart from getting your money. I regard those sites with suspicion. Most notable are the website that promise $10,000 a month working from home, part time, with no experience needed.  One such site has ‘feedback’ from a lady with the same name, previously unemployed and commenting from Auckland, Melbourne and a dozen of cities around the world. She is a fake and so is the company behind the website.

Book reviews by professional book reviewers I regard as genuine, but also purely a matter of opinion. A good book to one person may be trash to another reader. It depends on personal taste. It should also be remembered that professional book reviewers only review books from traditional publishers as a general rule. But we live in a world where self-publishing, also known as indie-publishing, is fast becoming the norm and many books now go to market without reviews.

My first book, published in 1966 by a traditional publisher, received a favorable review in several newspapers and at least one magazine. By contrast my next six books, all indie-published, have not been reviewed by any major newspaper and published comments from readers have been rare.

But that does not mean that these books have not been selling or that readers didn’t enjoy them.  The comments come person to person, always favorable and usually with a request for the next book, or all the remaining books. A large number of my current readers have a complete set, not including the first book which sold out forty years ago.

Readers of this blog appear to fall into a different category with a small number of readers leaving nice comments which I greatly appreciate. It makes it all worthwhile. I always publish comments exactly as they are written. I don’t edit them. The only comments not published are those that blatantly seek free advertising for a commercial business and those that are written so poorly that even Albert Einstein would have declared their meaning beyond discovery. Fortunately there are very few of those.

My books are available in print or electronic versions. The e-book versions are available at prices that are only a fraction of the print price. Each has a free sample that can be downloaded to an e-reader device or PC and one book, Nathaniel’s Bloodline, can be downloaded in its entirety completely free.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Boris Johnson: The London Mayor is the Biggest Winner of the Olympics
By CATHERINE MAYER | @catherine_mayer | August 13, 2012 | +TIME

From left: London Mayor Boris Johnson holds the Olympic flag next to IOC president Jacques Rogge and Mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes during the handover at the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games in the Olympic Stadium in east London, Aug. 12, 2012.
When a rocket launcher trundled into the Olympic Stadium during the closing ceremony for the Games, my neighbor in the stands thought he had guessed the identity of the human cannonball who would shortly be propelled from its barrel. “It’s Boris,” he said. Wrong. The white-clad figure did indeed prove to be a blonde comedian, but it was Eric Idle, a founding member of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Just days before, Boris—or to list the sackful of names London‘s mayor has shouldered since birth, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson—had been left dangling after a failed attempt to ride a zip wire at an Olympic event. On this occasion, the greatest upstager in modern politics chose a more conventional route to the podium for his final Olympic duty, the handover of the flag to Rio, the 2016 host city. His appearance drew cheers of a volume equaled only by those that greeted the Spice Girls, all five of them, Baby, Ginger, Scary, Sporty and Posh . . . .

Peter’s Comment

Well done, Boris something-or-other Johnson, you did well. You did particularly well considering the ghastly setback that Londoners suffered right after the announcement that the 2012 Games would be held in your city. We won’t dwell on the left dangling episode at the opening.

But Boris, don’t you think that it’s time for a permanent Olympic City in international territory and preferably in a place suitable for both summer and winter Olympics?

London and Los Angeles put on well run events. Atlanta and Athens were less successful. All lost huge money on the event. Some businesses in Olympic cities do well from the Games, but we hear very little about other businesses that suffer losses because of the Games.

A permanent Olympic City (capital C) could close the gap between Games by hosting the event every two or three years and it could be available as an international center for training, conventions, entertainment and tourism at other times.

The Games could operate at a profit enabling poorer or remote nations to be given assistance with training and travel. 

What do readers think of this proposal?

Monday, August 13, 2012


Nash Metropolitan: Motoring
history goes up for sale
5:35 AM Sunday Aug 12, 2012 New Zealand Herald

The Nash Metropolitan is one of the few right-hand drive
models made, and is ready to drive away

An American classic with a New Zealand connection and a famous motorbike are two of the highlights of an upcoming auction in Australia.
The Shannons Melbourne Spring auction on Monday, August 27 will feature a striking 1956 Nash Metropolitan coupe finished in burgundy over white.
The eccentrically-styled, 3.8m long sub-compact Metropolitan coupe had a shorter wheelbase than a VW Beetle and was the first American car to be marketed specifically to women as the second vehicle in a two-car family.
The car is powered by a four-cylinder Austin A40 engine and built at Austin's Longbridge factory in Britain.
Just over 100,000 were built between 1953 and 1962, and most were delivered to North American customers, making right hand drive examples very rare.
The factory right-hand drive 1.5-litre-engined Metropolitan being auctioned is believed to have been delivered new to New Zealand.
Cosmetically restored in the 1970s, it was placed in long-term storage from the late 1980s until this year, but was recently recommissioned with reconditioned brakes and new whitewall tyres.
Sold with its owner's manual, this quirky Nash can be driven as is, or restored to bring it back to top-line condition, as its Austin parts are cheap and reasonably easy to find.
The Metropolitan is being offered with no reserve and for its collectible and curiosity value alone is expected to sell in the A$8000-$12,000 range.
Also up for auction at the event is a rare Melbourne-built 1914 Mostyn motorcycle in original condition after a sheltered life.
Expected to sell in the A$24,000-$32,000 range, the bike was assembled in a frame made by A.G.Healing of Little Bourke St in Melbourne, then badged and sold by William "Mostyn" Tanner of 200 Canterbury Rd in the Melbourne suburb of Canterbury.
After being uncrated in 1953 - still unused - the Mostyn spent time in the front window of a motorcycle shop in the central-Melbourne Elizabeth St in the 1970s and in later years went on display in the Maffra Motor Museum.
It has been meticulously cared for all its life and remains in pristine, original condition and is fully operational.


Breaking Down Gun Violence: No 'Simple Formula'
by NPR STAFF  August 12, 2012

In 1990, 78 percent of Americans supported tougher restrictions on gun sales, according to aGallup poll. A decade later, that number fell to 44 percent.
Part of the reason has to do with how the debate has been framed: one between those who want to ban all guns and those who want to protect the right to own them.
The reality is far more complex. Private gun ownership is a fact of life in the U.S. The country tops the charts worldwide in terms of civilian gun ownership. A 2007 study from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [PDF] reported there were 270 million private firearms in the U.S.
The question is how to keep them away from people who perpetrate crimes like the recent shootings in Aurora, Colo., and in Oak Creek, Wis. That's the tricky part — partially because getting a gun in the U.S. can be fairly easy.
Purchasing Guns
At the Blue Ridge Arsenal in Virginia, sales rep Mark Warner says the process can take only about 25 minutes. You pick any gun, fill out a form and wait for approval.
"If you're a law-abiding citizen and you don't have a criminal record and the computer likes you in Richmond, you're done in 15-25 minutes," he says.
And that's if you buy it in a shop.
Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says 40 percent of legally sold guns are sold without a background check. That 40 percent includes the guns sold at gun shows or through classified ads, where legal loopholes don't require background checks.
"Every day in our nation, 32 Americans are killed by guns," Gross says.
He argues that a few simple changes — tighter background checks, a ban on certain types of weapons — could all make the difference.
It's been done before. In the early 1990s, the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act, or the "Brady Bill," introduced background checks. Then-President Clinton signed it into law in 1993. From 1994 to 2004, the sale of assault weapons was banned.
How To Tackle Crime Rates
But is there a link between gun restrictions and fewer murders?
Paul Barrett, author of a book on the history of the famous Glock handgun, says the answer is no.
"Criminologists have studied it, and the consensus is that those laws simply did not have a statistically meaningful effect on crime rates," he tells Guy Raz, weekends on All Things Considered.
Barrett says making slight changes to existing laws won't bring down the homicide rate. The equation of "more guns equal more crime" just doesn't add up, he says.
"There's a relationship between the presence of guns and the lethality of crime, but there is not a cause-and-effect, simple formula that will solve crime problems by simply regulating, in slightly different ways, how easily you can acquire a gun," he says.
Gun-control advocates point to the shootings in Colorado and Milwaukee as justification for stricter laws. But Barrett argues that's not the nation's biggest gun issue.
"We fixate, understandably, on the aberrational mass-shooting events, but they're actually not our main social problem," he says. "Our main social problem is the overall gun homicide rate."
The Political Calculus
Still, neither the overall homicide rate nor the recent atrocities have spurred real political action. Barrett says President Obama is probably just taking history into account and deciding that "it is not worth the political punishment to tinker with gun laws."
The first lesson would be the presidential election in 2000. Then-candidate Al Gore was targeted by the National Rifle Association in key sates because he had been vice president when Clinton signed the assault-weapons ban.
The result? Gore lost in states he should have won: his home state of Tennessee, Clinton's home state of Arkansas and West Virginia. Barrett says Gore's losses were due "in large part" because of the gun-rights activism.
Another example of political backlash is the 1994 turnover in the House. The Republican sweep in that election followed the enactment of the assault-weapons ban. Barrett says Clinton himself attributed the election at least in large part to the gun laws.
Barrett breaks down the political calculation for like this: "a huge downside risk, a marginal upside potential to please people who are going to vote for you anyway."
"There is just not a lot of popular demand for stricter gun control," he says. "The public opinion polls tell you that, and I think Barack Obama and his advisers can read those polls."
Peter’s Comment

The above is probably a fair assessment of why Barack Obama is unlikely to change the gun laws during this term. He could wait until near the end of his final term and do it then. But that would make for an interesting 2016 presidential campaign before the effect of any change could be accurately gauged.

Other countries get along nicely without easy access to guns and enjoy low murder rates.

Meanwhile, in America the political stalemate continues and the National Rifle Association has what many would call a murderous grip on the electorate.

It is an absolute misnomer that any man or woman could be safer by carrying a gun.

The greatest advance in American social history was the abolition of slavery. The next great step forward could be the abolition of guns for personal protection.

Email Peter Blakeborough's Blog:


Analysis: China consumers counter
economy gloom with travel boom
BEIJING | Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:39pm EDT
Nanjing Road, Shanghai
Photo National Geographic
(Reuters) - Soaring numbers of Chinese tourists packed onto flights out of the country is a sure sign that a fast-growing consumer class of around 130 million is not worried that the likely slowest year of economic growth since 1999 will sap their spending power.
Nearly 39 million mainlanders left China on overseas trips in the first half of 2012, roughly double on five years ago and evidence that a powerful consumer force - envisaged by the top leadership as the engine of economic expansion in a generation to come - may be bulking up faster than thought.
The question for investors is if a burgeoning bourgeoisie is now big enough to fully offset the economic impact of faltering foreign demand evident in data last week, when undershoots in July new bank lending, export, import and industrial output growth prompted analysts to start slicing into GDP forecasts.
Paul French, Shanghai-based chief China strategist at market intelligence consultancy Mintel, says the purest view of the domestic economy's health always comes from the consumer.
"If consumers feel good about things they'll spend. If they don't feel good they'll stop," he told Reuters. "Travel is a good indicator because people are travelling more and they are consuming a lot when they travel abroad."
Investors, facing world growth slowing to levels economists define as marking a global recession, are anxious for any sign that critical consumer mass may have already arrived in China.
Consumer spending in China has comfortably enjoyed double-digit growth for a decade, while exports have slowed to become a net drag on the economy in 2011 and in the first half of 2012.
Retail sales rose 13.1 percent year on year in July. Adjust for inflation and it was the second best month of the year.
But that's not been enough to arrest six straight quarters of slowdown, with the latest Reuters poll forecasting economic growth to slide to 8 percent in 2012 from 9.2 percent in 2011.
While well below the 10 percent average of the last 30 years and a level that has previously prompted urgent action to create jobs, 8 percent remains above Beijing's 7.5 percent target.
Meanwhile the labor market appears tight, with data showing the ratio of vacancies to workers near its highest in 10 years.
Evidence that consumers are rapidly getting stronger comes from the Geneva-based Digital Luxury Group, which reckons China's travel market is already worth some $232 billion.
Its new World Luxury Index China Hotels report says Chinese travelers made 70 million overseas trips in 2011 to be pampered at spa resorts in Bali, to shop in Dubai, Paris and London, and to spend in Singapore and Hong Kong.
International Air Travel Association chief executive, Tony Tyler, says airlines will see an extra one billion travelers in a decade if average annual incomes in China hit $15,000.
Part of the proof is in the building going on. China, IATA says, plans to build 56 new airports nationwide before the end of 2016, with a further 16 relocated and 91 being expanded.
Chinese carriers made about half of all the $7.9 billion in profits earned by the global airline industry in 2011, according to IATA, which expects international traffic growth of 8-9 percent from China in the five years to 2015.
A Beijing-backed World Bank report envisages per capita income rising to $16,000 by 2030 from about $5,000 now, with two thirds of economic activity forecast to come from domestic consumption against less than 50 percent now.
A shift to the domestic market, leveraging China's 1.3 billion-strong population, would cushion the economy from huge falls in foreign demand that Europe's debt crisis is causing, barely three years on from the trade shock it suffered in the 2008-09 global financial turmoil.
An emerging urban middle class has made grocery shopping the engine of domestic retail sales growth, taking in 41 percent of all retail spending in China which analysts at Citi reckon will be up 55 percent up over five years to $600 billion in 2012.
Annual double digit wage rises over the last decade - the government has decreed minimum wages rise at least 13 percent in the five years to 2015 - have helped China create what brokerage CLSA says is "the world's best consumption story".
But while workers in the world's second largest economy are earning more, they lag well behind those of the United States.
Average annual wages in the state-owned firms which dominate economic output were 42,452 yuan ($6,700) in 2011 and just 24,556 yuan in the private sector which creates some 75 percent of the country's jobs. The U.S. average wage was $39,959 in 2010, according to the latest data available.
China's wealthy elite, however, have generated a whole new market for the world's luxury personal goods makers, estimated to be worth $25 billion a year now and likely to leapfrog Japan and the United States to the $28 billion top spot by 2015.
It indicates a consumer market presently polarized between the super rich and a middle-class with modest discretionary spending strength, but growing rapidly in size and affluence.
It is one reason why Yolanda Fernandez Lommen, head of the economics unit at the Asian Development Bank's China mission, says a self-sustaining consumer class is some way off.
"We consider that 10-15 percent of the population shows a consumption pattern that is consistent with the type that would be regarded as a solid domestic driver of growth," she said.
"In general, economies where consumption plays a meaningful role as a driver of growth entail a wide middle class that on average comprises about 70-80 percent of the population."
China officially classed 51 percent of its citizens as urban dwellers in 2011, but that includes some 230 million rural migrant workers who generally do poorly paid jobs in cities, lack residency rights in them and have very little to spend.
Only deep structural reforms will turn those migrant workers into fully-fledged urban consumers, Fernandez Lommen said.
Analysts at consultancy, McKinsey, say affluence is arriving faster than many economists anticipate, forecasting a giant leap by 2020 based on annual surveys it has carried out since 2005.
By then China will have 167 million "mainstream" consumer households - those with annual disposable income of between $16,000 and $34,000 - more than 10 times the 14 million, or 6 percent, who currently fit that definition.
There will also be 120 million households with $6,000-$15,999 of spending power, according to McKinsey.
Analysts at Nomura point out that domestic consumption contributed 4.5 percentage points of the 7.8 percent growth in China in the first half of 2012.
All of which implies consumer strength underpinning activity - and the confidence Mintel's French says his clients have in the spending power of China's shoppers at home and overseas.
"The only thing we're seeing slowdown in is some softening in the higher end numbers for luxury goods. But the reason for that is because we have got unparalleled amounts of arbitrage going on from the Chinese going abroad and shopping," he said.
(Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)

Peter’s Comment

It proves the old adage, it’s made round to go round.

China and India, traditionally countries of large population and widespread poverty are emerging as the economic power-houses of the twenty-first century.

Watch out also for Nigeria with its population of 170 million, huge resources and rapidly expanding technology industries.


Jobs dry up for travel 
agents and IT workers
By Alanah Eriksen New Zealand Herald Business
5:30 AM Monday Aug 13, 2012

The internet has diminished some industries significantly - including travel agents. Photo / Thinkstock
If you're a travel agent or an accountant, you could be facing "extinction" by 2017.
Car manufacturers, retail and IT workers may also need to start thinking about a new career path as consumers increasingly turn to the internet for services and employers outsource for cheaper labor.
The Balance Recruitment agency has compiled a list of the top five jobs they believe will disappear in the next five years.
Managing director Greg Pankhurst said overseas companies were becoming more trusted by local businesses.
"Many jobs will become obsolete due to technological advances, while others will simply move offshore to Asia," he said. "Offshoring is not a new phenomenon, but people are getting a lot better at it and higher-skilled jobs are starting to go offshore. It used to be the very basic roles.
"It is vital people understand these changes and attempt to reskill so they don't end up becoming superfluous."
Continues below  . . . 

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New Zealand has been benefiting over the past few years as Australian companies outsourced services to New Zealand because it was a 'significantly cheaper' place to do business. But 'a lot of the stigma' about outsourcing further afield had been broken, Mr Pankhurst said.

A computer programmer in India would earn about $8000 a year compared with between $70,000 and $75,000 in New Zealand, he said.
The internet had also diminished some industries significantly, Mr Pankhurst said. Initially, bookshops, travel agents, music and video stores were affected but now niche and high-end suppliers of goods such as sporting goods, computers and branded fashion items, were selling products online.
Economists were expecting New Zealanders to spend $3.2 billion on online purchases this year, with the figure jumping to $5.4 billion for 2016, he said.
Auckland Flight Centre travel agent Mike van Beekhuizen said he didn't fear for his job as people enjoyed the face-to-face experience of customer service.
"You're making holidays come true for families, people are saving for these big trips. You get an email from them when they come back or they come and visit you and they just tell you about their experiences," he said.
The jobs that will survive were those that required a human touch such as hospitality workers, tourism operators, tradesmen, logistics workers, aged and health care and government workers including politicians.

Peter’s Comment

It’s not all doom and gloom because as one door closes another opens.

A hundred years ago the world was bemoaning the loss of wooden-wheel makers for wagons so really nothing has changed, while everything has changed.

Industries and occupations are lost when more efficient industries and occupations take their place and efficiency ultimately puts money in everyone’s pockets. Granted there can be pain during transition but in the end progress means wealth for more people and that can be seen in the growing range of products and services available.

When the wooden wagon wheel disappeared there were few cars, aircraft or telephones. Radio, television, computers and music tapes and discs were all products yet to be launched. Launching those products was not just a simple matter of inventing them and selling millions. They would have been useless until people had the money to buy them.

Outsourcing is a dirty word to many but it has positive benefits. It helps reduce the cost of goods and services and bring them within the reach of more people.

India, with more poverty and unemployment than any other country in the world, benefits enormously from outsourcing and that is just part of the evolving economic globalization in which ultimately everyone wins.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Why We Should Scam
the Scammers
How can we stop those ubiquitous Nigerian ploys and other flimflams? Look at it from the perps' perspective
Reply to their scam emails and
waste as much of their time as you can

If you type "Nigerian" into Google, one of the top suggestions for completing the phrase is "scam." We all get them: unsolicited emails promising us a share of some lost fortune sequestered in an obscure place, if only we will help the rightful owner recover it. The "help" usually consists of transferring money to someone you don't know, most commonly in Nigeria or another African country. And, of course, the vast payout never materializes.
It should be a familiar story. In 2006, the New Yorker ran a piece about a New England psychotherapist in his 50s who was contacted by one "Captain Joshua Mbote" to help recover $55 million. He ended up losing $80,000—and, as the scam also involved cashing checks and passing on some of the funds, was sentenced to two years in prison for bank fraud and other crimes. According to Dutch firm Ultrascan, victims of these so-called advance-fee scams lost $9.3 billion in 2009, up from $6.3 billion the year before.
Make them dream about
the money they hope to scam from you
before you turn tire-kicker
So why do the scammers persist in blanketing the world with outlandish propositions, announcing that they are from the very country whose name has become synonymous with online fraud?
Cormac Herley, a computer scientist at Microsoft Research who specializes in security issues, provides a convincing answer in a paper presented at a conference in Berlin and recently published on his website. In it, he analyzes the con mathematically, using an approach called signal detection theory. His crucial insight is to look at the situation not from the victim's point of view but from that of the scammers. Their challenge is to hook only people who will get sucked in deeply enough to send a significant amount of money—the "true positives." They must minimize the effort they devote to "false positives" (targets who might seem like dupes but are suspicious and/or never pay up).
It costs the scammers virtually nothing to spam the world, but it costs them a lot (especially in terms of time) to conduct all the follow-ups necessary to reel a sucker all the way in. The people behind "Captain Mbote" spent six months pursuing their quarry before he started wiring money to them.
A proposal offering a more realistic scenario might generate more replies, but most of them wouldn't pan out. The effort of sorting through them to find the real suckers would undermine the scheme's profitability. Instead, by screaming "This is another absurd instance of the familiar Nigerian scam," the fraudsters are filtering out what to them is spam—responses from suspicious people they don't want to deal with—and "letting through" only those most likely to play along. The fewer potential victims in the world, the more precisely the scammers must target them, and thus the more absurd and easy-to-spot the attacks should be.
The Nigerian scammers aren't alone in using this approach. Phishing attacks, like the urgent emails from the "IT Support Team" requesting our passwords to avert some Internet calamity, are so hackneyed that they likely ensnare only the extremely naive or credulous.
Mr. Herley's analysis of the Nigerian scam suggests a counterintuitive way to fight back. Most efforts to reduce Internet fraud focus on reducing the number of people who reply to scammers—by educating users or by filtering out the scam emails. But some attacks inevitably slip through, and some Internet neophytes inevitably fall prey.
A more effective solution, Mr. Herley suggests, would require considering the goal of the scammers. Increasing the number of responses to their emails, he shows, can reduce profits, as long as those responses come from people who never send money. Such "scam baiters" already exist (the community website "419 Eater," named after the Nigerian law that governs fraud, offers tips and support). The more scam baiters, the lower the average return to the scammers on each attack and the less incentive they have to continue the scam.
Perhaps clever artificial intelligence researchers could create automated scam-baiter bots that would simulate gullible victims, drawing out the interaction as long as possible. The most convincing victim-bot would possess sophisticated knowledge of how the scammers think and behave—precisely the knowledge that tends to elude us when we look at the world only from our own perspective. Similarly, the profitability of phishing scams could be reduced by sending bogus account numbers and other data back to the scammers.
As Mr. Herley's paper shows, what seems stupid can actually be quite sophisticated. It's only by imagining the situation with the roles reversed that we can see what we've been missing.

Peter’s Comment

This is a radically different approach and the opposite of the advice traditional given on how to handle spammers.

Previously we were told don’t open emails that look suspect and certainly don’t reply to them.
Nigerian scams have come a long way since the days when they used snail mail and postage to trap people. Today it is a low-cost, effective and highly profitable industry. It is the effectiveness that needs to be targeted by scam the scammer proponents.

So we should all give them lots of work to do. We should act dumb, plead for their help to lift us out of our poverty and string them along for as long as we can before they give us up as tire-kickers.

I’ll go for that.


This is my latest historical novel  Beyond the Seas When twelve-year-old orphan Nathaniel Asker is shipped from the back alleys of London to...